1-2-1 coaching and mentoring
I shot my first wedding back in 2010 and it’s been an awesome journey so far. I’m still learning and growing myself. For me it’s about the journey and not the destination. For those just starting out though it can be a little overwhelming in the beginning and a little help and direction can go a long way. I’m now offering my time to help get you started on or just further your journey to unlocking your own potential as a wedding photographer and to help you make a plan to achieve your business goals.

If there's just a few things you'd like to cover or you're wanting to spread it out over a few weeks or months then booking hourly gives you great flexibility.
Half day
A half day gives us plenty to time to cover several topics or just a few in more depth. It can be morning or afternoon and will last three hours
Full day
The full day is great for cramming lots in one go, we can go deep into what you need and cover a variety of things to help you on your way. This is 6 hours of study and can include a break for lunch.
Hourly sessions can be done in person or on Skype but half or full days are more effective in person. We can get together at my office in Beehive Lofts, Ancoats, Manchester.
• Workflow
• Editing
• Approach to the wedding day
• Website and portfolio review
• Putting yourself into your work
• Communicating effectively with couples
• Marketing & Social Media
• Blogging & SEO