Wedding Planning Tips
This is by no means an exhaustive list of what you should do to plan your wedding. I mean every wedding is different and will most definitely be personal to you. You should talk to your friends or anyone you know who got hitched recently. Talk to all your suppliers as they all see weddings from a slightly different perspective and you can then cherry pick what’s going to be right for you and your big day. I wanted to share a few things here that you may or may not have thought about yet that may hopefully help you on your way to celebrating your big day just the way you want it. I do chat to all couples ahead of the day to ensure we’ve discussed and planned anything photography related.
Pre plan
Do as much as you can ahead of time. Whether you're planning something very relaxed and DIY or it's going to be a big lavish affair and you have a wedding planner. It's definitely a good idea to cross your t's and dot those i's, think of all the little details ahead of time and make a plan. Make lists, write things down.
Sure, you might have a few things to do yourself on the wedding morning but this is a time your loved ones will want to rally around you to help out. Take advantage of this and make a list of the things they can do for you, then delegate!
Let go!
So you've done the planning, you've delegated lots of jobs to your loved ones. Now the day is finally here. This is your time to let go and let it all happen. You're going to enjoy the day regardless but perhaps all the more if you're able to go with the flow when things don't go to plan. Don't try and swim upstream! (In my experience things do usually go to plan though!)
• Is someone helping you into your wedding clothes?
If this is going to require help, like a lace up dress, make sure those helping you have done it before. Take them to the fitting or get them watching the instruction videos before the day.
• Practice the ceremony entrance
Nice and slow and steady, with space between each person or group entering gives me chance to get photographs of them all arriving down the aisle. It'll just feel a lot more polished and relaxed too.
• Plan for the weather
I'm all-weather and so are my cameras. Are you? Maybe get a change of shoes and some umbrellas that you wouldn't mind being in your pictures. If you're prepared you can still take some time out together outdoors, even if it's a little grey and wet.
• Unplugged wedding?
If guests are holding up their phones during the day it's likely you'll see this in some of the images your photographer takes. You can ask guests not to post to social media on your wedding day if you wish too. This can be communicated before the day or maybe by your registrar at the start of the ceremony.
• Having a few formal photos?
Get one or two bossy guests to organise the rounding up of people leaving your photographer free to capture candid moments even during the group shots. Once people are in line and ready it only takes moment to get those shots.
• Timing is key
Chat to your venue, photographer and master of ceremonies (if having one) to ensure there's enough time allocated for what needs to happen. This is going to help things run smoothly on the day.
• Confetti?
It's a lovely moment and can make great pictures! It works really well right after the ceremony and before group pictures. Check with your venue where you'll be allowed to throw confetti and if it need to be biodegrade. We all want to be doing our bit for the planet!
• I can't remember which one is my ring finger!
Maybe paint it a different colour or just add some glitter!